Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Cookies

For Thanksgiving, my family went to my grandparents house. They pretty much made all the food but my mom made a couple of things to bring with us. The best thing she made were cookies. Around the holidays, cookies are a very popular food. There are chocolate chip, peanutbutter, sugar, and many many others, but my favorite are these cookies my mom makes. I don't even think these cookies have a name. They sound really weird when I describe them, but if you ever tasted them you would know why I love them so much. They are saltine crackers with a butter and sugar mixture poured over top of them. You bake this so the mixture gets hard like toffee and then melt chocolate chips on top. Once they are out of the oven, you put them in the refrigerator to get hard and when they come out, you break them apart and eat. These cookies sound so obscure and when I explain what they are people usually make a funny face, but do not knock it until you've tried it. Since these cookies are obviously horrible for your heart and are extremely fattening, my mom usually only makes them around the holidays. These cookies are a special and they always make me think Christmas with my mom.

1 comment:

amanda said...

All of the girls in my family get together and bake cookies. we literally have about 2000 cookies all over my kitchen and we box them up and give them out to family friends and people like that. hah I love christmas cookies!