Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I know its early but..

There are only 43 days until Christmas. I'm sure most people are dreading the sounds of holiday music playing and the commercials for new gift ideas, but I am very excited. Every year the media starts even earlier with promoting the holidays and everyone always complains. Instead of complaining I wish everyone would savor the Christmas moments. See most people would like to not think about Christmas until at least December but I prefer to start early. I feel like we only get a short amount of time before the hype of the holidays is over. I love when you start to feel the bitter cold air and hear the sounds of Christmas music while you are defrosting in your car. I love how everyone's moods seem to change when they get into the Christmas spirit. I am just happy that now I can start my wishlist and turn on the radio and hear the sounds of the season. There are only so many days that we can sing carols and be merry, and I know I cannot wait until the holiday season is in full swing. 


Kathryn said...

omg Lindsay I LOVE Christmas. I cannot wait to put up christmas decorations in our room and listen to the best music in the world twenty-four seven. i agree people need to embrace this season!

Lauren said...

I love how its all hyped up so early! I love everything having to do with Christmas. As soon as Halloween was over, I was listening to Christmas music haha. I love the mall, how its all decorated and how they are already playing Christmas music. I cannot wait for black friday! the only day enjoy going to the mall when its crowded haha. I acutally went to fortunoff tonight and bought two little pink xmas trees for my room.. and they are up already haha <3christmas

Samantha said...

I love Christmas! I adore the Christmas music, the smells, the lights, the wreaths on people's doors, pretty much everything. It's awesome that the radio stations start Christmas music so early! It really gets me in the spirit of it. =)

Anonymous said...

I love everything about Christmas, it's my favorite holiday by far. Everyone seems happier, and idk I just feel differently then I do at any other time of the year. There's a certain smell in the cold air you can just feel. Singing Christmas songs really gets me in the mood of the holiday. The hype for the holidays can't start early enough for me. I love when everything is lit up, it just gets me happy. But the best thing about Christmas for me is spending time with my family, everyone is carefree and it's just really relaxed.

mandeep said...

I really don't know how Christmas is celebrated here in U.S. I have been here for just around 3 months, and even i am really excited with the plan of being indulged in the mood of Christmas.
It is always on television and movies that i have been seeing how Christmas goes around and how people embrace the festival with zeal and excitement.

Yesterday, i went to a shopping mall nearby and it was really a great experience viewing how the mall was decorated; the xmas trees were looking beautiful and the stores had different arrangements for Christmas.

So,I believe that it would be a great fun celebrating Christmas here, and i am thrilled with the realization that Christmas will be arriving here soon.

Beata said...

Christmas is my favoirite Holiday! It seems that people are nicer towards each other, well most are anyway :)